I've had ceviche a few times being an essential component of Caribbean and Mexican food. Ceviche is essentially seafood marinated in sour juices served in single servings. The shrimp oyster or fish in most cases is raw but I decided to roast my shrimp before marinating. So here goes my tomato juice ceviche.
Ingredients - for two servings
2 Tbl spns - small shrimp or if you have large shrimp chopp them up
2 tbl spns - tomato juice from a can of diced tomatoes
2 tspoons - diced tomato piece
2 tsp - white vinegar
2 tsp - lime/lemon juice
pepper to taste
salt to taste
Roast the shrimps on a hot very non stick pan in order to minimize the smell.
mix all the ingredients in a small sealable box
Add extra salt and pepper if u want it stronger
Refrigerate for 3-12 hours
serve in small bowls or a china soup spoon
You should have a taste for raw seafood to enjoy this,you can also add more vegetable like cucumbers to dilute the fishy taste.
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